Tuesday, June 14, 2011

You want to self publish your book but don't know how?

You ask yourself, where to do I start? What should I do? Here's an easy to follow guide on how you can get your book published.Before you embark on your self publishing journey, you must first decide what your goal/s is/are. Most authors plan to share their story to the reading public; there are also some who just want to have enough copies for their family, friends and colleagues.

 It is each and every author's dream to have their books published. However, taking the conventional route means that the author submits their works to a traditional publishing house for them to publish. The thing is, most submissions get rejected. And not only that, it usually takes quite some time before you hear from the publishing house (whether you get a rejection or an approval). That is why most authors are opting to self-publish their books.
By taking the self-publishing route, you are in full control of your creation (unlike the conventional way wherein the publishing house retains the rights of your book). However, one must also remember that self-publishing also means that you are the one responsible for the marketing and promoting process of your book.
Most authors are daunted by the idea of marketing and promoting their book on their own. Marketing and promoting your book is not an easy task. It requires time, hard work, dedication and knowing the right steps in how to effectively market your book. That however, must not discourage you of becoming a self-published author. Hire the services of a self-publishing company and you'll be able to obtain all the things you'll need in publishing your book. A typical self-publishing company provides the following services:
> Copy editing
> Cover Design
> Book Printing
> Book Marketing
> Book Promotional Campaigns
By hiring the services of a self-publishing company, you'll also be able to publish quickly (unlike the traditional way wherein you'll have to wait for a long time for your book to get published). As mentioned earlier, you will also retain all the right of your book and have full control on the book design.
Take your writing career to the next level. Instead of waiting whether or not your book will get published, opt to self-publish your book. This way you'll make your dreams into reality - which is to get your book in physical form and have it read by your intended audience.

Know more tips on how to self-publish your book with this free book publishing guide.

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